Christy Maldoff continues our series on David and his Highs and Lows in this lesson on David and Bathsheba.
Passages: 2nd Samuel 11; Psalm 51
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Here's just a handful of announcements and reminders about what's happening and details for this Sunday!
● I am so excited for the re-launch of our nursery and preschool area. Childcare will be available for the 11AM service only. ● Please be mindful of increased people in the preschool entrance and avoid the area unless you have a reason to be there. ● We ask that everyone still enter through the main church lobby, unless you are a parent dropping off your child(ren). Only parents dropping off their child(ren) may use the Resource Center doors to enter the building. ● Still doing masks for the 9AM service, and masks-in-motion for the the 11AM and 6PM services. ● The plan is to modify to a masks-in-motion guideline for 9AM and back to masks-recommended across other services in the next couple weeks. ● With attendance nearing capacity (last Sunday night was VERY full!), please note that once we reach 225-250 in the sanctuary, we will direct people to overflow in the choir loft and/or Room 101. If you are willing to sit in these locations voluntarily, please let an usher know. ● This Sunday evening, I have asked Pastor Chris to share his heart on lessons we can learn from this season of our lives, similar to what I did last week. Pastor Aaron will present his thoughts on the evening of August 30. ● Remember, Life Groups will begin on Wednesday, September 9. More details will be given in Sunday's services. ● You can find this Sunday's digital sermon notes here or at and then search for "Calvary Baptist Church Red Bank." Church, you ought to know my heart by now. If you didn't come last Sunday night, you can find the audio of "Lessons from a Pandemic" here on our podcast. Proceeding with carefulness, I am incredibly eager to get things back to as "normal" as we can very soon. I continue to be available to you for questions and clarifications about decisions being made. I assure you there are made with much thought and prayer. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Besides all this, there is a WONDERFUL Sunday planned with stirring music and a sermon from Galatians which will address some principles concerning racism and prejudice. Don't let anything cause you to miss what God may have for you this week in church. I love you and I am praying for our body of believers. I will see you in person or online!
Mrs. Edna continues our series titled "Through The Highs & Lows" in this week's lesson on David's flight from Saul.
Hey preschoolers! We hope you are all doing great. Check out this week's lesson from Mr. Jonathan. We are hoping to see all of you very soon! Have a good week.
Jason Ralston continues our "Through the Highs and Lows" series with this lesson on the Wisdom of David.
Passages: 1st Samuel 18
Sam Melton continues our series about David's Highs and Lows in this week's lesson on overcoming obstacles.
Passages: 1st Samuel 17 |
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February 2021