Church Family, During this time of nation-wide panic regarding the COVID-19 virus, it is important that we be proactive as a church family while not having a spirit of fear. Here is our strategy as it stands currently:
A large group of ministry volunteers, staff, deacons, Life Group leaders, greeters, and ushers will be meeting this Sunday at 8:15am to discuss procedures, precautions, and plans moving forward. We want you to know we are getting our teams informed and educated about what is going on and what to do. I’m convinced that God’s purpose in this as believers is not simply for us to cope and exist and “make it.” Please see these current events as opportunities to be salt and light for Jesus to this world. Perhaps this will be an exciting time of seeing God move hearts and lives into a relationship with Jesus. Could people be more in need of a Savior than during times like this? This situation is changing every day. Thank you for your flexibility and faithfulness during this time. As we encounter some uncertain and challenging days ahead, be reminded that we serve a sovereign God who has proven Himself to be worthy of our trust. He has commanded us not to be fearful, but to trust in Him. “Let not your heart be troubled.” We love you and are praying for you. Pastor Greg
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February 2021